Monday 9 July 2012

20 Pet Peeves

20 Pet Peeves

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My twenty pet peeves, in no particular order!

  1. My alarm going off for work when I'm in the middle of a really exciting dream!
  2. Being late for work because I hit snooze so I could go back to my awesome dream!
  3. Hitting snooze to try and get back into my amazing dream, but not going back to that awesome dream...going to a crappy one instead!
  4. On a cold, windy, rainy kind of day and the little pilot light goes off in my hot water service. I don't find out until I have undressed and am about to get into the shower.
  5. Having to do a mad dash in the weather stated above wearing nothing but a dressing gown. Hoping that the gown does not blow open, and that there are no neighbours sitting in their warm houses laughing at me.
  6. Having a flat battery in my car. Right when I'm due to be somewhere important.
  7. People driving 10 or 20km under the speed limit and not moving over to the slow lane. Have some courtesy.
  8. People double parking in a busy car park. Just selfish!
  9. Being charged late fees on forgotten bills.
  10. Business call centers. Need I say more?
  11. Power blackouts.
  12. When my printer runs out of ink half way through an important printing job.
  13. The battery going flat on my camera, then spotting so many fabulous potential photographs.
  14. People farting in supermarket isles. Go to the toilet and empty your bowels, please!
  15. People cutting in line. If you had asked I probably would have let you anyway!
  16. Doing the housework with a child following behind me making the house look worse than it did before.
  17. People calling from a private number and hanging up before I get a chance to answer.
  18. There, their, they're. You know what I mean!
  19. Going out looking like you've been walking through a storm just to get milk or bread and bumping into more people you know that day than you've seen in the whole month previously.
  20. Not having time to buy petrol before work, then on the way home prices have gone up by 15 cents a litre.

What are some of your pet peeves?

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