Saturday 14 July 2012

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Let me set the scene. It's the last week of school holidays; The kids are bored, the parents are losing patience and the teachers are dreading Monday!

I decide to let friends stay over and set them up with all the fantastic sleepover things that kids need to make a sleepover an awesome experience. Movies to watch, video games to play, snack food, torches to play shadow games with, pizza for dinner and of course many toys to play with. The next morning they all wake up full of beans, still filled with excitement - which is great to see! The happiness of children is one of the greatest things on Earth and is very contagious!

However, fast-forward to the late afternoon and the atmosphere has changed. They are all starting to become irritated and tired from the lack of sleep they had after staying up all hours talking about whatever it is kids talk about. Not only this, but I am literally beginning to go crazy from all the running, screaming and all the mess that goes along with it. Nothing is settling these kids down, not colouring books, not crafty stuff, not playing outside - nothing. Not even Batman settled them down!

So I try a different approach, I put on Diary of a Wimpy Kid and sat down with a cup of tea and a blanket to watch it. It only took five minutes until I was surrounded by all the boys sitting on the lounge with me watching it. Peace and quiet at last! Now I am able to move myself into a quiet corner with my cup of tea and write. With my only distraction being the fact that this movie is actually quite funny. 

Never underestimate the power of a mother looking as though she is content and resting!

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