Friday 6 July 2012

Technology That Empowers Me!

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When it comes to technological empowerment, I have to say it's access to the internet that does it for me. Whether that be on a computer, iPad or a smart phone. I feed off the internet!

I am provided with so much online; I have an avenue of communication, entertainment, information and income because of it. No other technological advance currently gives me all that.

Through email and social media I am able to communicate with family and friends, in some instances the only other way we could communicate would have been by snail mail.

I use the internet to purchase books to read and to order movies to watch. I check cinema times, I find out when festivals or events are on in and around my town. I book holidays and use the internet to plan my itinerary.

While studying, if I am having difficulty grasping a concept I am able to look up other explanations online until I understand the idea. I can access professional journals, statistics and reports. I can research companies before deciding whether or not I want to work for them. There is such an abundance of information available online, if you know where to look and how to distinguish the credible from the dodgy!

I would also have less forms of passive income if I had no access to the internet. I don't make enough online to live on, but it does help my savings account grow. It allows me to splurge on things I otherwise couldn't and it lowers my stress levels quite significantly!

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